Why February is the Key to Your New Year Fitness Goals

Why February is the Key to Your New Year Fitness Goals

The beginning of the year is a time of hope and renewal. Many of us start with grand plans to transform our health and fitness, pledging to hit the gym regularly, eat healthier, and finally achieve those long-awaited goals. But as January's enthusiasm fades, February...

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The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes: Why You Should Join

The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes: Why You Should Join

Phrases like “teamwork makes the dream work” and “it takes two flints to make a fire” are as valid on the court or the field as they are in the boardroom. The message points to the synergy that occurs when two or more people get together to get a job done, rather than...

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Healthier Holidays: How to Face Temptation with Moderation

Healthier Holidays: How to Face Temptation with Moderation

Ahh … the holidays. They evoke feelings of everything from excitement to dread as calendars are crammed with shopping, packaging, and parties. Between time-saving fast food runs and an endless parade of Christmas cookies, the frenzy can cause risks to your health over...

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Lighten Up: Nutrition Tips for Summer Weather

Lighten Up: Nutrition Tips for Summer Weather

Though summer has just officially begun, if you’re in Southern California you’re already deep into high temperatures. Whether you have a Burbank gym membership or you’re an L.A. marathon runner, your workout may be routine all year long – but not your nutritional...

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